You’re getting ready to book a moving date, but the question still lingers – will I end up paying more for my move?
Long-Distance moving is very stressful, and the last thing anyone wants to deal with is paying more. Whether or not you pay more for your move will be determined on the company you chose, and how detailed you are when explaining your requirements. There are many horror stories when it comes to moving companies, so here are some simple tips to help you navigate your way through getting an accurate price quote.
Additional Items
Moving quotes are pretty simple. You will end up paying based on what you bring (article list). The more stuff you have the more the cost will be. However, in order to get an accurate quote it’s important that you put together a details inventory list, even if you have a rep coming by for a survey. If on the day of pick up you have more then what’s on the article list you will pay more then the quoted amount. This is universal and applies to all moving companies.
If you’re planning on packing yourself, make sure you can handle the job. Keep in mind that packing materials and labor costs money. The charges will be passed on to you based on the material that you use and the time needed to pack. This can also delay your move because the movers will need to get the proper material for you. You can visit our website for packing tips.
Long Carry Charges
Long carry charges would be additional charges based on the distance from where the truck is parked to your front door. If it’s 75 feet or more, an additional charge of $75 per each 75 feet will be billed. You can avoid having the surprise of long carry charges by knowing the layout of both location. If you can’t visit the destination you can always do a quick Google Maps search to check out the location.
Shuttle Service
Shuttle service (varies): A shuttle is required at destination points that cannot accept 18 wheel semi-trailer. Most situations don’t require a shuttle, however if it is required, it will be charged at 75C/cubic foot to transfer your items, with a min of $350.