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What To Leave Behind When Moving Abroad

By March 31, 2021July 1st, 2024No Comments
What To Leave Behind When Moving Abroad: Advice From One of the Best International Moving Companies First of all, we want to applaud you for deciding to move overseas! As international moving companies like ours know, there is nothing more exciting (and stressful!) than moving, so when you choose to do it internationally, we know you are a serious adventurer. Unfortunately, you simply cannot take everything with you, even with help from us. And while we can make sure whatever you need transported to your new city gets there safe and on time, we’d like to make some suggestions about what to leave behind. After all, we’ve seen it all over the years—trust us! Whether you give them away, throw them away, or store them away, here are five things we recommend you leave behind when moving abroad. 1. Clothes No, we aren’t suggesting you arrive at your final destination naked. That would just be awkward. However, we think you should consider which clothes you own are worth taking up space in your suitcase, and which can stay behind. A good rule of thumb is if you haven’t worn something for at least a year, there is no need to take it with you. Also, keep in mind the types of clothes you will need at your new spot. If you’re moving to the tropics, don’t back your puffy winter coat. And if you’re moving to the Tibetan highlands, there’s probably no need for that swimsuit. Lastly, remember that if you do end up needing a particular type of clothing, you can just buy it once you move. Yep, it really is that easy! 2. Toiletries Again, we don’t think you should show up without your toothbrush, but you also don’t need to pack that half-empty (or is it half-full?) bottle of lotion or that three-year-old box of medicine you don’t even recognize. Besides not needing many of these items immediately, it’s very easy to buy equivalents at your new location. Plus, in some cases, such as with medication, transporting these types of goods across international boundaries could actually be illegal. So rather than take the risk, or waste the space, just throw out what needs to be tossed and donate what makes sense to give away. 3. Small Appliances We all love a good blender or coffee machine, but many of these small appliances can cost more to pack and ship than they are worth. Something else to consider with these items is their breakability. Experienced international moving companies will tell you that we do everything in our power to keep everything protected during its journey. However, once items get handed off to international customs agents, they can disassemble them faster than you can say “fruit smoothie.” So even though you might use some of these appliances every day, you’re better off buying new ones after you move. Plus, you never know, maybe where you end up moving will be furnished and include a kitchen stocked with everything you need. 4. Bedding We all have our favorite pillow or blanket that we want to take with us. Maybe we even think we can use some of our bedding to pad and protect some of our other household items when we pack them up. The reality of the situation is that different countries often have different sizing when it comes to things like sheets and pillows. On top of that, bedding takes up a lot of space, even if it isn’t heavy. Jamming your favorite duvet or pillows into a suitcase or moving box means less room for other items that likely matter more. So unless you are super attached to your bedding for some reason, leave it behind. 5. Worries Ok, so this one isn’t something international moving companies will pack up into boxes for you, but we wanted to put it on the list. Packing up your life and moving to a whole new culture can be stressful and worrisome, even for experienced travelers. Our advice—leave your worries behind along with your old socks and unused nightguard. The more you worry about things that are out of your control, the less likely you will be able to enjoy your new experience. Wondering if you’ll like the food, be able to learn the language, and if you can make new friends are all things you’ll figure out as you go. Some days will be better than others, but you don’t need to stress over what may come. Instead, take each day at a time and always look for the positive in moving somewhere new. You get to try new food! You get to communicate more with your hands! You get to meet people with different worldviews! Isn’t that exciting? And while you can’t control the worrying of others, like family and friends, you can also encourage them not to worry so much about you. You’ll be just fine, especially because you’ve only packed exactly what you needed, and you’ve left everything else behind. Once you determine what you’re taking with you, let International Van Lines transport it safely to your final destination. Contact us or request a free quote any time, and we’ll help make your stressful move into an exciting adventure.

What To Leave Behind When Moving Abroad:  Advice From One of the Best International Moving Companies

What to leave behind when moving abroad is a common question. First of all, we want to applaud you for deciding to move overseas! As international moving companies like ours know, there is nothing more exciting (and stressful!) than moving, so when you choose to do it internationally, we know you are a serious adventurer.


Unfortunately, you simply cannot take everything with you, even with help from us. And while we can make sure whatever you need to be transported to your new city gets there safe and on time, we’d like to make some suggestions about what to leave behind. After all, we’ve seen it all over the years—trust us!


Whether you give them away, throw them away, or store them away, here are five things we recommend you leave behind when moving abroad.

  1. Clothes

No, we aren’t suggesting you arrive at your final destination naked. That would just be awkward. However, we think you should consider which clothes you own are worth taking up space in your suitcase, and which can stay behind. A good rule of thumb is if you haven’t worn something for at least a year, there is no need to take it with you.


Also, keep in mind the types of clothes you will need at your new spot. If you’re moving to the tropics, don’t back your puffy winter coat. And if you’re moving to the Tibetan highlands, there’s probably no need for that swimsuit. Lastly, remember that if you do end up needing a particular type of clothing, you can just buy it once you move. Yep, it really is that easy!

  1. Toiletries

Again, we don’t think you should show up without your toothbrush, but you also don’t need to pack that half-empty (or is it half-full?) bottle of lotion or that three-year-old box of medicine you don’t even recognize.


Besides not needing many of these items immediately, it’s very easy to buy equivalents at your new location. Plus, in some cases, such as with medication, transporting these types of goods across international boundaries could actually be illegal. So rather than take the risk, or waste the space, just throw out what needs to be tossed and donate what makes sense to give away.

  1. Small Appliances

We all love a good blender or coffee machine, but many of these small appliances can cost more to pack and ship than they are worth. Something else to consider with these items is their breakability.


Experienced international moving companies will tell you that we do everything in our power to keep everything protected during its journey. However, once items get handed off to customs agents, they can disassemble them faster than you can say “fruit smoothie.”


So even though you might use some of these appliances every day, you’re better off buying new ones after you move. Plus, you never know, maybe where you end up moving will be furnished and include a kitchen stocked with everything you need.

  1. Bedding

We all have our favorite pillow or blanket that we want to take with us. Maybe we think we can use some of our bedding to pad and protect some of our other household items. The reality of the situation is that different countries often have different sizing when it comes to things like sheets and pillows. It’s good to know how to move your stuff abroad.


On top of that, bedding takes up a lot of space, even if it isn’t heavy. Jamming your favorite duvet or pillows into a suitcase or moving box means less room for other items. So unless you are super attached to your bedding for some reason, leave it behind.

  1. Worries

Ok, so this one isn’t something mover will pack up for you, but we wanted to put it on the list. Packing up your life and moving to a whole new culture can be stressful and worrisome, even for experienced travelers. Our advice—leave your worries behind along with your old socks and unused nightguard.


The more you worry about things the less likely you will be able to enjoy your new experience. Wondering if you’ll make new friends are all things you’ll figure out as you go. Some days will be better than others, but you don’t need to stress over what may come.


Instead, take each day at a time and always look for the positive in moving somewhere new. You get to try new food!


You’ll be just fine, especially because you’ve only packed exactly what you needed, and you’ve left everything else behind. Packing for an international move is tricky, but easily doable.


Once you determine what you’re taking with you, let International Van Lines transport it safely to your final destination. Contact us or request a free quote any time, and we’ll help make your stressful move into an exciting adventure. Check out some money-saving tips when moving abroad.