Find Realistic Transit Times for Moving from CA to NY
Transit times for moving from CA to NY will vary based on the size of your move and zip codes.
The time of year can also affect the length of time it takes for your household goods to arrive at their final destination.
Despite what a mover claims, transit times for moving from CA to NY are generally the same across the board.
In this article, we will give you realistic expectations of what you can expect and why.
Why does load size affect the Transit time?
The smaller the move, the longer it will take, and here’s why. Say you’re moving 2000lbs/300cuft; your load will only fill a tiny percentage of a trailer. A trailer can hold up to 30,000lbs/4400cuft.
National moving companies rely on volume to fill trailers before they depart to the final destination.
If a mover is slow that month, it will take longer to maximize space which in turn can cause lengthier transit times for moving from CA to NY.
International Van Lines
Why do Some Movers Claim they have Speedy Transit times?
If a moving company claims that they can get your household good from CA to NY in a week, they’re lying.
Yes, plenty of moving companies will tell you what you want to hear to secure your business.
It’s not physically possible to get your transit times for moving from CA to NY in a few days.
However, if you have a large load and require an exclusive trailer, then a week or so is realistic.
ALSO READ: Average cost of a cross country move
Why Does Time of Year affect Transit times?
The slower season serves better for speedier transit times for moving from CA to NY.
Just like any industry, the moving industry is seasonal. Most people move during May and August, which makes it more challenging to have equipment on standby.
Drivers have routes, and if they are constantly going back and forth with many loads, it will affect the transit times.
However, if you have a load size that justifies a full trailer, it can take a week or so.
Transit time for Moving from CA to NY
Below you will find the general transit time for moving from CA to NY. However, it’s always best to speak directly to the moving company of your choice. In addition, a moving company can’t guarantee when your goods will arrive at their destination.
Unlike carriers like FedEx and UPS, moving doesn’t have specific routes. Most moving companies will offer you general transit times and will keep you in the loop.
ALSO READ: How long does a cross country move take
- San Diego to NY – 13-18 days
- Los Angeles to NY – 12-16 days
- San Fransico to NY – 15-21 days
- Sacramento to NY – 16-21 days
Legally a moving company has up to 21 days before incurring daily penalties. Before committing to a mover find out more details on how they operate and the transit times.